Jobs + Internships

Working With Livable City San Francisco’s urban land use policy and advocacy nonprofit Livable City works to create a city of great streets and complete neighborhoods, where walking, bicycling, and transit are the best choices for most trips, where public spaces are beautiful, well-designed, and well-maintained, and where housing is more plentiful and more affordable. [...]

About Us

About Sunday Streets is San Francisco’s open streets program with an annual season of events that reclaim car-congested streets for community health, transforming them into car-free spaces for all to enjoy. Event routes are 1-4 miles in length, with fun, free activities provided by local nonprofits, community groups and small businesses. Sunday Streets is a [...]

What is Sunday Streets?

Sunday Streets are events that encourage recreation, community activities and fun in San Francisco. Sunday Streets closes stretches of city streets to automobile traffic, and opens them to people for several hours on a various Sundays throughout the year, so participants can enjoy a large, temporary, public space where they can bike, walk, run, dance, […]


Contact us

Contact Us Email: [email protected] Phone:  415-344-0489 Mailing address: Livable City Attn: Sunday Streets 66 Mint St, 2nd Floor. San Francisco, CA 94103 Contact Form Your Name: (*) Your Email: (*) Your Message: (*) Security Question:4 + 22 =

Get Involved

Join The Fun! Sunday Streets is made possible by the incredible organizations, businesses, and community members who bring it to life. Whether you want to exhibit, vend, volunteer, or sponsor, there’s a way for everyone to be part of the fun. Click below to learn more and join us in transforming San Francisco’s streets into [...]